Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is FINALLY out of my stash! How? I overdyed it. This was from a club shipment from Yarn Pirate way back in 2008, Merino Tencel in Butternut colorway. None of these are my colors. I tried destashing it back then but no takers. So I overdyed it last week.

knitting 016
 I love the new yarn.
This was also an overdye of some ugly colorway that I did NOT order but got it anyways because of a crappy yarn store going out of business sale. It's Lorna's Laces Shephard Sock in the old put up. DSC_0119 
Here's the first top I dyed. It's 4 oz. of Lincoln wool that I dyed in my favorite colors. I may spin this up next. I've never spun Lincoln. Lincoln Top I dyed 
This was a light grey Swalesdale bump that I bought at Smoky Mountain Spinnery in Gatlinburg, TN last weekend. This is the LYS that I learned to spin at. It's been 5 years since I've been there and they have definitely made their spinning section larger. I tried the Matchless and Ladybug wheels. That was my first time spinning on a wheel other than my Fricke, and definitely my first time double treadling. I actually liked spinning on the Ladybug more because it was easier to treadle, but boy did that Cherry Matchless look pretty.
 So eventually, when I'm out of nursing school, (I GOT ACCEPTED INTO CLINICALS!!!) I may be in the market for a new w wheel. I will not be getting rid of my Fricke though. I like it but I think having a double treadle will be nice.

So I would like to try to write about some of my experiences in nursing school since there doesn't seem to be many out there that were written in the past two years or so.  We'll see though because I'm not sure how much time I'll have.  I will be updating more throughout the summer though!

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spinning since the end of the semester

I realize that I've been using this blog as part of signing in for contests and stuff for cardmaking but I don't have any cards on here that I've made! I mean, there's only about 7 of them but still. I like the ones I made for mother's day (and didn't give out-procrastination to the max!). So I'll have to remember to start taking decent photos of them to post. I do have some spinning and dyeing to share.

This is my latest spin. It's 4 oz, 420 yards of 60% Merino 40% Bamboo from the Sweet Sheep that I got in a destash on Ravelry.
DSC_0076DSC_0072 These were taken prebath and thwacking. I finished it up yesterday morning. I wish I'd waited to finish plying it until today so it could count towards my Stash Dash for the Knit Girllls challenge. Oh well.

Now this was also from a destash. It's falkland from Mandelinn Knits and Spins. I got 558 YARDS!!! Yay! That's crazy. It's my largest yardage ever! FROM 4 OZ!! It did take forever to spin though. I'm always shocked now when I get something over 400 yards. I was definitely underestimating how thin yarn actually is. Which is weird considering how often I knit with fingering weight yarn.


I have no idea what I'm going to spin next, as usual. I'm getting into my precious stuff now. I may spin one of the tops I dyed. I'll show those in the next post.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Remember the actual cause for the holiday and always give thanks.

 See you later for now!